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Cokriging Weights

  1. template <
              class MatrixLibrary,
              class Location,
              class InputIterator,
              class CovarianceSet,
              class KrigingConstraints,
              class Vector
                      Vector& weights, double kriging_variance, 
                      const Location& center,
                      InputIterator first_neigh, InputIterator last_neigh,
                      CovarianceSet& covar,
                      KrigingConstraints& Kconstraints

  2. template <
              class MatrixLibrary,
              class Location,
              class InputIterator,
              class CovarianceSet,
              class KrigingConstraints,
              class Vector
                      Vector& weights, 
                      const Location& center,
                      InputIterator first_neigh, InputIterator last_neigh,
                      CovarianceSet& covar,
                      KrigingConstraints& Kconstraints

The cokriging_weights algorithm solves a cokriging system :

$\displaystyle \left\{\vphantom{ \begin{array}{l}
Var \Big( \sum_{\alpha=1}^{n}...
..._{\alpha_1} \},\ldots,\{\lambda_{\alpha_{N_v}} \} \Big)=0
\end{array} }\right.$$\displaystyle \begin{array}{l}
Var \Big( \sum_{\alpha=1}^{n} \lambda_{\alpha} ...
...\{\lambda_{\alpha_1} \},\ldots,\{\lambda_{\alpha_{N_v}} \} \Big)=0

where fi$ \Big(${$ \lambda_{\alpha}^{}$},{$ \lambda_{\alpha_1}^{}$},...,{$ \lambda_{\alpha_{N_v}}^{}$}$ \Big)$, i = 1,..., p are p constraints expressed by the Kconstraint. The solution to this system is a set of weights:

($ \lambda_{1}^{}$,...,$ \lambda_{n}^{}$,$ \lambda_{1}^{1}$,...,$ \lambda^{N_v}_{n_{\tiny N_v}}$,$ \mu_{1}^{}$,...,$ \mu_{p}^{}$), where the weights $ \mu_{j}^{}$ are the Lagrange weights used to account for the constraints f1,..., fp.

The cokriging_weights function stores the kriging weights into Vector weights in the following order:

($ \lambda_{1}^{}$,...,$ \lambda_{n}^{}$,$ \lambda_{1}^{1}$,...,$ \lambda^{N_v}_{n_{\tiny N_v}}$,$ \mu_{1}^{}$,...,$ \mu_{p}^{}$).

Only the weights $ \lambda_{1}^{}$,...,$ \lambda^{N_v}_{n_{\tiny N_v}}$ are useful to compute the kriging estimate. The weights $ \mu_{1}^{}$,...,$ \mu_{p}^{}$ are used to compute the kriging variance. Vector weights does not need to be of the correct size n + p when passed to the function.

Two versions of the algorithm exist. Version 1 computes the kriging variance and stores it into kriging_variance, while Version 2 does not compute the kriging variance (there are cases where the kriging variance is useless, e.g. in indicator kriging). Both version of the algorithm allow to change the linear algebra library (which defines matrices, matrix inversion routines, ...) used by cokriging_weights (see 2.4). The default linear algebra library is the TNTlibrary (slightly modified), a public domain library by Roldan Pozo, Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division,National Institute of Standards and Technology.

The value returned by kriging_weights indicates if any problem were encountered:

Where defined

In header file <kriging.h>

Requirements on types


Vector weights is resized after it is passed to cokriging_weights, unless it is of the correct size. The cost of this resize can be decreased by smartly managing the Vector's memory (in the style of an STL vector). However, each call to cokriging_weights implies solving a linear system of equations, hence the cost of the resize would usually be negligible.


Estimate z(0, 0) from z(2, 3) = 0.21, z(4, - 7) = 0.09 and one secondary data s(1, 3) = 42.1 by ordinary (full-)cokriging. After the call to kriging_weight, vector weights has size 5; its three first elements are the weights corresponding to z(2, 3), z(4, - 7) and s(1, 3) respectively, and its two last elements are the Lagrange parameters.

typedef std::vector<geo_value2d> neighborhood;

int main()
  location2d u1(2,3);
  location2d u2(4,-7);

  geo_value2d Z1(u1,0.21);
  geo_value2d Z2(u2,0.09); 
  Neighborhood neighbors1, neighbors2;

  location2d u3(1,2);
  geo_value2d S1(u3,42.1);

  neighborhood* neigh_array[2]={&neighbors1, &neighbors2};

  location2d u(0,0);

  std::vector<double> weights;

  double kvariance;
  kriging_weights(weights, kvariance,
                  u, neigh_array, 2,
                  LMC_covariance, OK_constraint);

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